+ 2 Biology Important Terminologies

Introduction to Biology

Biology (Gr. Bios-life, logos-study)

Major scientists who made contributions in the field of biology:

Lamarck and Trevisani – coined the term Biology

Aristotle- Father of Zoology/ father of BIOLOGY as he also described many plants

Theophrastus- Father of Botany

Hippocrates- Father of Medicine

Two major branches of biology

Botany (Gr. Botane = herbs)- study of plants

Zoology (Gr. Zoon=animal)- study of animal life

Biology can be divided into many special branches or disciplines:

Branches of biology 

Morphology- study of external features of organisms

Anatomy- study of internal structure

Histology- study of structure and function of tissue

Cytology- study of structure and functions of cells and cell organelles

Genetics- study of hereditary characters and their inheritance

Ecology- study of relationship between living organisms and environment

Embryology- study of formation and development of embryo

Evolution- study of origin of life and modification to modern plants and animal

Physiology- study of life process in organisms

Taxonomy- study of classification of organisms and its principals

Pathology- study of diseases caused by organisms

Paleontology- study of fossils

Microbiology- study of microorganisms

Branches of Zoology:

Entomology: study of insects

Ichthyology: study of fishes

Helminthology: study of helminth worms

Mammalogy: study of mammals

Ornithology: study of birds

Parasitology: study of parasites

Virology: study of virus

Herpetology: study of amphibians and reptiles

Anthropology: study of human evolution and culture

Cnidology: study of Coelenterates

Karyology: study of nucleus

Malacology: study of mollusks

Microbiology: study of microorganisms

Protozoology: study of unicellular organisms

Branches of Botany:

Bacteriology: study of bacteria

Virology: study of virus causing diseases

Phycology: study of algae

Mycology: study of fungi

Bryology: study of bryophytes

Pteridology: study of pteridophytes

Pomology: study of fruits and fruit yielding plants

Anthology: study of flowers

Floriculture: study of cultivation plants for flowers

Branches of biology related to the Medical Science:

Bacteriology: study of bacteria

Virology: study of viruses

Epidemiology: study of epidemic diseases

Hematology: study of blood

Cardiology: study of heart

Immunology: study of immune system (resistance against any diseases)

Helminthology: study of helminth parasites

Parasitology: study of parasites

Enzymology: study of enzymes

Osteology: study of bones

Endocrinology: study of endocrine glands and hormones

Characteristics of living things:

1.Definite shape and size                           
2. Cellular structure and protoplasm
3. Movement
4. Nutrition
5. Respiration
6. Metabolism
7. Excretion
8. Irritability
9. Reproduction
10. Growth
11. Life cycle
12. Repair of injured part
13. Ageing and Death




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