Lessons that we learned during Corona Lockdown.

Hello Guys,
I think almost every countries are in lockdown due to a global pandemic Corona Virus i.e. COVID-19.
In lockdown, people are are unable to do their work, they can't roam outside or can't go market to have food. In lockdown, we can't go outside but friends we can do many things at home. We can learn new skill, plan for your future, think how to bounce back in business after lockdown, and many more.
Actually we are not stuck at home, we are stay at home.
So, Please friends stay at home and break the chain to stop the spread of corona virus.
Friends some lessons can be learnt from this lockdown.

Lessons that we learned during Corona Lockdown.

1. China won the WORLD WAR 3 without firing a missile.

2. Europeans are not that much educated as they appear.

3. In fact, rich people have less immunity power than the poor.

4.No priest, pandit, astrologer, or any dami jhakri could save any patient.

5. Health professionals worth more than the football legend.

6. Oil is worthless in the society without consumption.

7. Animals most likely fell the same in the zoo, as we do while being quarantined.

8. The planet regenerates quickly without human interference. 

9. Majority of people can easily work from home.

10. Everyone can survive without the junk foods.

11. Living a hygienic life is not difficult at all.

12. Men can cook too.

13. Media is full of nonsense.

14. Actors are just entertainers, they are not HEROES.

15. Life is so fragile, handle with care.

16. No one rush to buy car, mobile, or any luxuries, they just rush to buy food to eat.

17. Farmers are more necessary than the alcohol, cigarette, etc. manufacturers.

18. Pollution decreases when there is no human activities.

19. Police, doctors, nurses, other health officials, and farmers are real SUPER HEROES.

20. Carelessness can ruin the most developed countries like USA, Italy, etc. also.

Your family can't get chance to give you funeral if you die because of corona virus, so please stay at home and stay safe. Be in quarantine and develop more skills.

Thank you to all doctors, police, and other helping hands who are protecting the world from this dangerous pandemic.



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