Red Under the skin

Red Under the Skin


Figure: Red Under the Skin

In our childhood or maybe in our adulthood also, we have kept our finger or palm on the torchlight or the flashlight of any mobile phone, then what was or is observed??? The light appearing red through our finger or palm as shown in the image, isn’t it? Therefore, this can be termed as Red Under the Skin.
So, have you thought why is it so??? It’s because of our blood which consists of red blood cells which are red due to the presence of hemoglobin (an iron pigment). The red blood cells reflect its red color when the light rays pass and then our finger or palm turns red.
Talking about the blood in brief. In terms of biology, Blood is the red-colored fluid connective tissue which consists of 55% plasma and 45% blood cells. Blood is the life-supporting element. Without blood, Homo sapiens or other creatures can’t live even a second also. To live, a woman must have a hemoglobin level not less than 12.0 g/dl and a man must have a hemoglobin level not less than 13.0 g/dl. Blood is about 4.5 liters to 6 liters in volume in a healthy adult.
Due to the major functions of blood, we cannot live without it. It performs its work in three different categories. The first one is Transportation of oxygen (main life element) and nutrients, secondly Regulation of body temperature and the third one is Protection from diseases, germs, and pathogens. As in definition, blood is composed of blood cells and plasma. Plasma is a transparent yellowish pale fluid connective tissue that is non-living being. Its function is to transports digested food, minerals, etc. to different body parts and collect the wastes. Blood cells are categorized into three. They are Red Blood Cells (Erythrocytes), White Blood Cells (Leucocytes), and Platelets (Thrombocytes).

Figure: Safe Blood Saves Lives

Red blood cells help to supply oxygen and nutrients. White blood cells fight with germs, diseases, and pathogens. Platelets help in blood clotting. This red element under our skin can save the lives of other people too. This is possible only with the concept of Blood Donation.

Blood Donation is the life-giving process in which a person donates his/her blood with his/her wish to donate his/her blood to other people who need or Blood Bank. Blood Donation plays a crucial role in saving the lives of other people suffering from the lack of blood or hemoglobin.

Every year tens of millions of road accidents happen globally, and many of the cases die due to lack of blood on time. About 20% of maternal deaths and 15% of child deaths worldwide are caused due to Anemia (the state in which blood lacks). Body shivers when the thought of the death of a pregnant woman who carries two hearts die due to lack of blood. There blood donation by a person can be the reason for saving a mother and her child. So, why not to donate blood and get their blessings?

In fact, in our body blood is destroyed itself. So, it's better to donate them before they get destroyed to save a life. Red blood cells (a constituent of blood) are formed in the bone marrow and are destroyed in spleen every after 3 months and again new red blood cells get generated. So, a person can donate blood every after 3 months to utilize them before they get destroyed to contribute to saving a life.

Who can donate blood??? Can every fat, tall and healthy person donate blood??? No, according to the World Health Organization (WHO) only the people of age 18 to 65 years can donate. Can everyone falling in this age group donate blood? Of course not. According to the WHO, the person having a minimum weight of 50 kg should only donate blood. However, in some countries, people of 45 kg weight also donate blood. Therefore, only a healthy person with at least 45 kg weight of age between 16 to 65 years and without any infections can donate blood to others.

Blood is divided into 4 main blood groups. They are blood group A, blood group B, blood group AB, and blood group O. These four blood groups are sub-divided into 2 sub-groups. For blood group A, we have A Negative (A-) and A Positive (A+). Similarly, for blood group B, we have B Negative (B-) and B Positive (B+). For blood group AB, we have AB Negative (AB-) and AB Positive (AB+). At, last, for blood group O, we have O Negative (O-) and O Positive (O+). The test to determine your blood group is called ABO typing.

According to the guideline of WHO regarding blood donation, a person can donate blood to another person with the same blood group. For instance, if a person has blood group A Negative (A-) then he/she can donate blood to a person with the same blood group (A-). What happens if a person with a different blood group donates blood to another person with a different blood group??? Transfusion with the wrong blood type can cause a severe reaction that may be life-threatening. A reaction causes your body to form antibodies that attack the new blood cells. This may cause blood clotting and the person can die. However, it can be avoided through tests.

However, some blood groups fall in exceptional cases. Like blood group O Negative (O-) is called “Universal Donor” as the person with blood group O Negative (O-) can donate blood to every other blood groups as it has the lowest risk of causing any severe reactions for most of the people who receive it Similarly, blood group AB Positive (AB+) is called “Universal Acceptor” as the person with blood group AB Positive (AB+) can accept blood from all other blood types as it has no antibodies to A, B, or Rh in it. This is followed only in emergency cases.

What happens to our donated blood??? After collecting the blood in the blood bags, either the platelets are removed through a process called apheresis or anticoagulant substance is mixed, too prevent blood clotting. After that, screening of the blood is done. Different tests are done in the lab to ensure whether the blood is infected with any diseases like HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis B, COVID-19, etc. or not. After all the tests, the blood is stored in a cool place and is used whenever necessary.

Every year, World Blood Donor Day is celebrated on 14th June globally. The theme for the year 2020 is “The Need for Safe Blood is Universal”. But access to safe blood is still a privilege of the few. Most low- and middle-income countries struggle to make safe blood available because donations are low and equipment to test blood is scarce. Globally, 42% of blood is collected in high-income countries, which are home to only 16% of the world’s population. As a new pandemic named COVID-19 has spread all over the world, blood donation has been a threat as people fear of the infected blood. So, the theme has been set accordingly to supply safe blood who are in need.

According to the WHO, of the 118.5 million blood donations collected globally, 40% of these are collected in high-income countries, home to 16% of the world’s population. In low-income countries, up to 54 % of blood transfusions are given to children under 5 years of age; whereas, in high-income countries, the most frequently transfused patient group is over 60 years of age, accounting for up to 75% of all transfusions.

So, I urge every person who is fit to donate blood should donate blood every after 3 months. If you donate blood, then you are not less than God. The greatest example of HUMANITY is only BLOOD DONATION. Donate blood and open the door to the heaven. In this unparalleled time of COVID-19, follow the lockdown measures and when blood donation camps are organized by the renowned organizations, go for it. Donate blood and be the cause of a smile on someone’s face. Blood is precious, don’t let it to be destroyed. Donate blood and see the happiness of a mother and her child.





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