A Tribute/ Poem To Father

Hello Guys,
Many talk about the sacrifice and care of mother. Not only mother does that but also father also does the the same.
The difference they don't show it. Father is the son's first best friend and daughter's first love.
So, today i have come with my poem for my father as a mark of love.
Hope you all will like. Tell me in comments, How is it??

A Tribute To My Hero

You can find him with a tired face 
Coming from the daily race
Step by step, day by day
He have done great job,
In so many ways

He increases his gain
So that his offsprings will not get pain
This man is like no other
I always wanted to be like him Forever.

I like his style
That is always have a smile
He corrected me when I was wrong
Many times he helped me to stay strong.

When I need someone,
He is always there
I never have doubt that he care
Like many fathers, you've tried your best
And dad, i'd say you passed the test
And in my life, you became the best.

My father is someone
I'm blessed to call my own
I thank god for giving a father like him
And will never let him go
Neither in reality nor in dreams
He's truly someone special
I love you my handsome father
And all you truly are.
Oxford Omkar Gupta

Hope you liked the poem. Mother and Father are equally important in one's life. Everyone should love, care and respect their parents. The works paid to us by them are priceless. We can't pay them back. But if we love them; God will also love us and give place in heaven. If everyone cares their parents, there wouldn't be any old aged homes in the world. I hope my readers always love and care their parents.

Thank You!!!


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