Proposal on Effects of Merger and Acquisition of Banks In Nepal

Hello Guys,
Today I have come with study material for the students of Bachelor Degree in their colleges in final Semester. Everyone have to submit proposal and thesis as a practical. So, today I have posted an outline for a proposal. I hope you all will like. Something formatting are as they are not available blog menu. So, if you want the correct and full outline of a proposal feel free to mail in gmail ID.


                         Here will be three lines in which middle will be bigger then other two

A proposal
Submitted By
Sita Kumari Sah
Hari Khetan Multiple Campus
T.U. Reg. No: ***************
Campus Roll No: ****

                                                 Here will be three lines too same as above

Submitted To
The Faculty of Management
Tribhuvan University

In the Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of
Birgunj, Parsa
November, 2018

                        Topics                                                                                           Page No.
                                              Background of the Study                                                                    1
                                              Profile of Machhapuchhre Bank Ltd.                                                 2
                                             Statement of the Problem                                                                    3
                                               Objectives of the Study                                                                      4
                                              Research Methodology                                                                       4
                                              Significance of the Study                                                                   5
                                              Review of the Study                                                                           6
                                              Limitation of the Study                                                                      6
9                                              Organization of the Study                                                                   6

1.      Background of the Study
We all are familiar with banks. Banks are the financial institutions established under the laws of the country for the purpose of accepting deposits, collecting cheques, lending, borrowing, issuing, exchanging, safeguarding and handling of money and also acting as financial intermediaries. Banks play a crucial role in the growth and development of the economy of a country as they supply bulk quantity of funds for the smooth sailing of economic activities. So, a well-fortified banking system is the key driver of the economy of the country and can lead the country to the peak of success. It is therefore clear that banks should be few in number but more stable and stronger rather than many unstable and weaker one.
But in context of Nepal the number of banks and financial institutions (BFIs) is more than requirement and they are characterized by low volume of turn over, high-interest rate on lending, wide interest rate spread, inefficient management and inadequate resources to fund big projects. Nepalese banking system has not only fallen short of attaining meaningful financial inclusion but also displays regional, urban and rural disparity. So, after getting guidance from World Bank and IMF, NRB has under taken financial consolidation policy in order to overcome these problems as well as to reposition BFIs to strengthen them. Merger & acquisition is one of the best and efficient measures of consolidation in the financial system for repositioning BFIs.

Merger & acquisition is a relatively new concept to BFIs in Nepal. Nepal Rastra Bank introduced the merger by-law in 2068 B.S. (May 2011) grounded on the company act 2063 B.S. article 177, BAFIA 2063 B.S. article 68 and 69 and encouraged all the BFIs to undergo merger as a consolidation. In fact, merger & acquisition are two different terms but are used interchangeably. Merger is a corporate strategy in which two or more than two corporations combine together maintaining the identity of one of the corporations. In other words, merger is the combination of two or more than corporations into a single corporation, usually the absorption of one or more corporations by a dominant one and where the acquiring corporation and acquired corporation stand on a merger agreement. According to Ross-Westerfield-Jordan, “A merger is the complete absorption of one firm by another, wherein the acquiring firm retains the identity and the acquired firm ceases to exist as a separate entity”. Acquisition is the process of acquiring the assets in the course of the merger. In other words, acquisition is the friendlier take over of one corporation over the another which is usually done by the mutual agreement between both corporations. According to Firer-Ross-Westerfield-Jordan, “An acquisition is a transaction in which an individual or company, known as the offeror (or acquirer) gains control of the management and assets of another company, known as the offeree (or target), either by becoming the owner of these assets or indirectly by obtaining control of the management of the company, or by acquiring the shares”.
After the introduction of merger by-law in 2068 B.S., many BFIs have undergone to merger. However, Laxmi Bank Ltd., Bangladesh Bank Ltd. and Narayani National Finance Ltd. are few institutions which have undergone to merger process before the announcement of the merger by-law. Like different BFIs, Machhapuchhre Bank Ltd. (MBL) has also undergone to merger process. MBL has been merged with Standard Finance Ltd.

2.      Profile of MBL
MBL, which was registered in 1998, is an “A” Class National level Commercial Bank now with a network of 86 Branch Offices, 2 Extension Counter, 37 Branchless Banking Units and 103 ATMs spread all across the country. It started its banking operations from Pokhara since year 2000. It is the first bank to introduce centralized banking software, GLOBUS BANKING SYSTEM developed by Temenos NV, Switzerland.
Machhapuchhre Bank Ltd. merged with Standard Finance Ltd., which is a “C” Class Financial institution on April 30, 2012 and they jointly started their banking operations from July 9, 2012.The vision, mission and values of MBL are expressed below:   


To become the bank of the first choice of the people.
To be one of the most preferred banks in Nepal, easily recognized as the bank which satisfies and cares for its customers through quality service, innovative products, professionalism and wide branch network, offering full array of financial services using modern technology and with good corporate governance practices.
With the objective of supporting the transition from rule based to attitude-based behavior, the Bank is functioning with the following five core values: 
1. Integrity: Highest level of integrity / absolute honesty in all the business conduct and dealings with customers, staff, regulators, and other stakeholders.
2. Accessibility: Easy accessibility through traditional as well as modern means of communication.
3. Value Creation: For shareholders, customers, employees and the nation.
4. Quality Service: Through unmatched professionalism and excellent customer care.
5. Stewardship of Resources: With the feeling of ownership and accountability.
3.      Statement of the Problem

The main aim of every bank whether it is public or private is to get success in its business and that depends upon the performance & dedication of employees and financial position of the banks. So, after merger of banks, employees’ satisfaction and financial performance of the banks are main matter of concern. If the employees are not satisfied with job, working conditions, culture and management of merged entities, they can never make the customers satisfied with better quality services. As a result, the goal of the bank can’t be fulfilled and merger may lead to failure.
Hence, this study is conducted to know the effects of merger and acquisition on employee satisfaction and financial performance of merged banks. Till now more than 96 BFIs have undergone to merger process and it is difficult to study each cases of merger. So, I have chosen the merger of MBL with Standard Finance Limited (SFL) to study and understand these problems. This study mainly focuses on the following problems:
·         Has the merger of MBL with SFL increased credit deposit ratio, earning per share and price-earning ratio?
·         Does merger and acquisition affect on employee movement?

4.      Objectives of the Study
Like every research study, this research study has been also conducted with some objectives. The key objective of this study is to evaluate the financial performance of MBL and job satisfaction level of employees after merger. The main objectives of this research study are pointed below:
·         To determine the impact of merger & acquisition on employees.
·         To determine pre-merger and post-merger EPS, MPS, P/E ratio, CD ratio, CAR, ROA, etc. of MBL. 
5.      Research Methodology
Research Methodology refers to the procedures or techniques used to identify, select, process and analyze information about a research topic for its overall validity and reliability. It is most necessary to choose an appropriate research methodology to carry out the research. This research has been conducted after the deep study of various journal, text books and websites related to merger and acquisitions of banks in Nepal. I have used the following research methodology to conduct this research.
     5.1 Research Design 


           - Descriptive
     5.2 Method of Data Collection
           - Case Studies
           - Documents and Records
     5.3 Types of Data Used
           - Secondary Data
     5.4 Tools and Techniques Used
           - Financial Tools and Statistical Diagrams
6.      Significance of the Study
Merger & acquisition has become a key tool for many organizations in Nepal to restructure, expand and strengthen their businesses. Most of the banks in Nepal are adopting merger & acquisition in order to meet their capital requirement, decrease their cost of operations, increase their profitability and meet the market competitiveness. But employee dynamic and human resource issues are main headache for the banks during merger & acquisition as they are the major determinants of the success or failure of the banks’ merger.
This study gives insight into the impact of merger & acquisition on employees and financial performance of banks in Nepal with reference to Machhapuchhre Bank Limited. This study also gives insight into the adoption of merger & acquisition process with well thought and planned strategies lead to synergy and success of the merging banks.
7.      Review of the Study


A number of research scholars, authors and academicians have conducted studies on the effects of merger & acquisitions of banks in Nepal. Ojha & Walsh (2016) have concluded that merger and acquisition of financial institutions in Nepal has been promoted in the recent years and is in increasing trend. It is because Merger in the recent years has helped most of the financial institutions to increase the capital as well as help them to become more competitive. The most important consequence after merger is the added protection of consumers’ right. Together with it, the banking sector itself has become sufficiently able to safeguard itself even in critical financial position. This proves the effectiveness of merger and acquisition policy implemented in Nepal. Bhatta (2016) studied that the mergers led to changes in banks’ share ownership. Banks’ efficiency increases with more competent and merged ideas.  Excess of capital enables to compete favorably with foreign banks that are willing to enter into the Nepalese market very soon. Krishnamurthy et al (2010) stated that the results on the post-merger performance suggested that banks are becoming more focused on their high net interest income activities and the main reason for their mergers is to scale up their operations.

8.      Limitations of the Study
As every research studies and theories have some limitations likewise, this research study has also some limitations. Those limitations are expressed below:
·         This study is mostly based on Secondary data collected from the websites of respective bank.
·         Due to non-availability of time, only last five years data has been considered.
·         This study is limited with the study of only one bank.
·         Due to non-availability of adequate funds, very deep research has not been done. As a result, some aspects may not be included.

9.      Organization of the Study
 Organization of the study is comprised of three chapters. Those three chapters are expressed below:


      Chapter I – Introduction
This chapter consists of background; profile of the organization, events, activities, etc.; objectives of the study; rational; method of the study; review of literature; limitations of the study.
Chapter II – Results and Analysis
This chapter consists of presentation of results and findings of project work.
Chapter III – Summary and Conclusion
This chapter consists of a brief summary of the report, and conclusion based on the findings of the report. 

If you want the correct and full outline of a proposal, feel free to mail in gmail ID.
      Thank You!!!




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